K2 TimeLine Joomla module Gratis !
Version: 4.0.7 Last Updated: Dec 10 2023 Compatible: Joomla 3
K2 Timeline
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K2 Timeline Joomla module allows you to display k2 items ( one or many categories ) on a vertical timeline.
Available in eleven styles: default and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. The module has a free version available for download. In the free module is available only the style four.
- Items limit
- Source - K2 Categories, K2 Items, All K2 Items, K2 Tags
- Category filter - All, Select
- K2 Categories
- Fetch items from children categories - No, Yes
- Add Items - Select
- K2 Tags
- Exclude Items
- Featured Items - Hide, Show, Only featured
- Time range (if ordering is set to 'most popular' or 'most commented') - All time, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months
- Fetch only items with videos - No, Yes
- Items ordering - Default, Oldest first (by date created), Most recent first (by date created), Most recent first (by date published), Title alphabetical, Title reverse-alphabetical, Ordering, Ordering reverse, Most popular, Highest rated, Most commented, Random ordering
- Show title
- Title word limit
- Show introtext
- Introtext word limit
- Show read more
- Show date
- Show category
- Show author
- Show Share Buttons
- Round border - Yes / No
- Custom text color
- Custom background color
For default style optional reveal on scroll down with two styles - Light or Dark
- Reveal - Yes / No
- Reveal image effect - Light / Dark
- Reveal Text effect - Light / Dark