Ol Digital - Digital Agency Joomla template
Ol Digital - Digital Agency Joomla template is created with elegance and minimalism in mind. Template settings allows you to quickly and easily customize the background and text for each template part, change the layout of the site (boxed or default) as well to suit your needs. Unlimited possibilities in creating digital agency portfolio by using photo isotope module. With Ol Digital template you can create a modern and professional website for your advertising agency, digital agency. marketing or any similar business.

Get your website up and running with Digital
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Best ValueColor Styles

- RTL language support
- Unlimited Module positions fully collapsible
- Floating menu optional from template settings
- Mega Menu Builder
- Off Canvas Menu
- Template style boxed or fluid
- Unlimited Colors - fully customize color schemes in the back-end
- 8 ready presets
- Build with Bootstrap 5
- Maintenance Coming Soon Mode
- Header Variations
- SCSS Added
- Ajax Rating
- Blog Options
- Integrated Comments
- Social Icons and Social Share
- Custom CSS
- Custom Code
- Custom error page
- CSS and Javascript Compression
- Helix Framework
- Mozilla / Firefox / IE8 + / Safari / Camino / Opera / Chrome Friendly
- Services module
- Article slider module
- Side Panel module 'left or right'
- Reveal on scroll down module
- Sticky sidebar module
- Gallery isotope module
- Testimonial module
- Team Module with 14 different styles
- Newsletter module
- Logo showcase module
- Maps module