remove ID from URLs

How to remove ID from URLs in joomla website

Joomla Tutorials

When it comes to SEO every little detail counts. One factor of ranking high on Search Engine Optimization is the URL link. In one of our previous tutorial we show how to "Unable SEF URLs in Joomla & remove index.php" and this article will show you how to remove ID from URLs in joomla website.

Joomla Default automatically adds index.php and a number in your URL as a counting mechanism. Lets have a look of URL variations links of Joomla

Variations of Joomla URL

By normal joomla installation the links are already SEO friendly and looks like

By removing index.php the link will look like. How to remove index.php have a look at this article which explains how to do so with simple steps.

By following the steps in this tutorial the link will be

Let's go through the steps of removing ID from URLs

1- Login to joomla administration panel and go to

System > Global Configuration

Access joomla global configuration

2- In SEO Settings use the “Yes” option for "Search Engine Friendly URLs" and "URL rewriting". If issues with links after removing index.php follow the steps at this article 

SEO url rewriting joomla

3- Select “Articles” from the left sidebar

Article Settings Joomla

4- In Articles configuration click in “Integration” tab

Article Integration Joomla

5 -  Change “URL Routing” from “Legacy” to “Modern”. By doing so, it will open up a new option “Remove IDs from URLs”, and this should set it to “Yes”.

Article Integration Remove IDs from URLs

That is all. Click in “Save & Close” button and check the links of your website.

This tutorial it shows for Article component but URL Routing feature can be enabled for few other components. If you want to enable URL Routing for other components like contacts, users, news feeds, the process is pretty much same.